The Story Behind the Coffee
Audon Solano, the farmer and mastermind behind El Triunfo, cultivates not only exceptional coffee but also tends to banana and tangelo trees. Audon’s hard work and creativity shines through El Triunfo. This coffee undergoes a fermentation process for 24, then 36 hours. First, it’s fermented in cherry for 24 hours, it is then de-pulped and undergoes an additional 36 hours of fermentation. This two-step fermentation process adds extra complexity to the cup! We pick up a bright and citrusy acidity with a great balance, notes strawberry, cherry, passionfruit, orange and some chocolate. We truly believe this is one of the best coffees out of Colombia, and our commitment to roasting it for the past 6 years attests to its exceptional quality.
Word-of-mouth led Audon Solano to our export partner’s buying station in Santa Maria, Colombia a short distance from where Audon lives. This relationship has been going for 8 years and has enabled Audon to continue pouring love and hard work into his farm. The end result? Fantastic coffee.
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